A Letter To You
Hey there,
I am so sorry you're walking this journey of infertility. It is not fair, there is nothing that you did to deserve this. The pain of not being a mom doesn't get easier but, you will get stronger. I can promise you that you will see a strength within yourself that you didn't even know was in there. You will be triggered almost daily whether it is from holiday gatherings, pregnancy announcements all over social media, monthly periods, doctors appointments- it is going to happen. But, don't let this steal all of your joy. Believe me it is easy to get consumed in all things baby (I would research until midnight almost every night about infertility) but, we still have to enjoy the things that we do have.
I am going to challenge you. I challenge you to do 3 things that you love this week. Go on a date night, have a drink with the girls, go to yoga, play with your dog, etc.
Whatever makes you happy, do it three times this week and soak in every moment of that. I want you to know that you have a God that is bigger than infertility. You have a God that understands the desires of your heart to be a mom and knows the heartache you feel each day. Friend, let me tell you that God has a plan for you that is so perfect. The waiting is hard, and you simply want the baby now. Believe me I get it - but YOUR baby will be here in the most perfect timing. God has a specific purpose and plan for your infertility. If you're like me I am sure you have asked "Why God; why give me this burning desire to have a baby if it's not going to happen?" I was reading a devotional about Infertility and it wasn't until I read this that I realized something profound- It states "Our God is an Anyway God, It may seem giving an infertility woman an intense desire to have a baby seems contradictory, doesn't it? However, if you will serve God with an Anyway Faith, you'll see that God works through confusing situations in ways you never could have expected."
So friend, I know this season is hard and you so desperately want to be on the other side of it but know that you're not alone. You are strong and so brave and I encourage you to share your story and reach out to others who have gone through this. Message me, email me, I am here and I am praying for you.