Episode 006: Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro) with Kate Smith
Today we spoke with Kate Smith and broke down what it means to go through Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro). She shares with us the ins and outs of NaPro and the diagnostic testing she did prior.
Lab Work
Diagnostic laparoscopy
Kate decided she wanted to go the NaPro (Creighton model) route. June 2021 she started seeing her NaPro doctor who is based in Indiana. She was put on vitamin B, vitamin c, amoxicillin, cervical mucus, and letrozole and prenatal.
-Her doctor suggested doing a diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy
-Had the surgery in July 2021- diagnosed with stage 3 deep endometriosis
-Kate had silent endometriosis and her main symptom was infertility and lower back pain during her period.
-September 2021 had robotic surgery to remove endometriosis: needs to be between when you ovulation and your period
-Next cycle Kate already felt differences post surgery for her first period and no longer had severe back pain during her cycles. She also resumed trying to conceive post surgery.
Terms to Know:
NaProTECHNOLOGY (Natural Procreative Technology) is a women’s health science that monitors and maintains a woman’s reproductive and gynecological health. It provides medical and surgical treatments that cooperate completely with the reproductive system.
The Creighton Model (CrM) is a natural or fertility awareness based method of family planning based on a woman’s observations of her cervical fluid or mucus.
Kate’s Monthly Breakdown:
Cycle Day 1- submits the past monthly chart to the nurse at fertility clinic, begins period
Cycle Day 3-7- takes letrozole
Cycle Day 8- begin cervical mucus supplements until peak day which is the most fertile day of the month.(Peak+3) *Checking cervical mucus every time you use the bathroom, shower, etc.
Charting- Creighton model uses a paper chart to track cervical mucus. Broken down into color, feel, stretchiness, etc.
Cycle Day 14- ultrasound (looking at lining of uterus, how many follicles, and ovulated or not)
Peak+7- progesterone and estradiol labs
Kate worked with Summerville Women’s Care based in Charleston, SC to monitor her. They now have a NaPro Surgeon located at their office.
*Fun fact- Kate took a course to help better understand the Creighton Model and learn all of the acronyms and the charting process. She took this through her local church.
If anyone has any questions for Kate in regards to the Creighton Model or NaPro Technology please email her at kathrynosimmons@gmail.com