Episode 020: TTC with Shannon & Ashley

Our first couple on the show and our first same sex couple! We are so excited to share their journey as they walk through 4 rounds of IUI.

  • They thought the sperm donor piece was going to be there favorite part - and share that was so different then they originally expected…

  • Been together for 9 years and knowing as a same sex couple this was going to be different to navigate then natural conception

  • Went to a fertility specialist in Myrtle Beach to seek out there options. Found out that Shannon had a low ovarian reserve and specialist told her that they have 1 year to do IUI before needing to move to IVF because of her low reserve.

  • Unfortunately, Ashley was in an accident and have had to get multiple hip surgeries and therefore probably won’t be able to carry.

  • They decided that Shannon would carry the child and they may potentially down the line do a reciprocal cycle.

  • After Ashley’s accident they put the fertility aspect on hold for the next two years and focus on Ashley’s recovery

  • Decided to work with their OBGYN that does IUI in the office!

    *AMH 1.6

  • Their office offers double IUI- frozen sperm overnighted and had to purchase 2 vile’s of sperm since they did double IUI. Double IUI - first IUI 24 hours after trigger injection, do it again the next day to give you the best chances of success.

  • $1,000 per vile -> $4,000 estimated per IUI

  • Insurance: Covered up to $15,000 except doctors didn’t run it because they said same sex couples they do not accept insurance*

  • Shannon would have to be coded as “infertile” in order for insurance to cover certain things.

  • After failed IUI, tried an at-home insemination. $2,000

  • Decided to switch clinics and went to PREG - did 2 single IUI’s and way more cost effective

  • Did an HSG- some leakage it showed* doctors recommended 1 more IUI and then going to IVF

  • Another failed IUI- did 4 IUI’s without any success*

  • Search for Superman- wanted someone that favored their characteristics, Spanish descent, olive complexion. $150- to see information on each profile, pay for more information or more pictures, etc. Have to look at genetic history, and medical profiles to help make the decision of which donor to choose.

  • Can’t order 10 vile’s at time due to cost- and they would go to order more of that donor and they would be out of sperm. Have to order as much as you can to help increase your chances.

  • Comes to your house in a big tank- delivered to your door step or your clinic.

  • Preg requires a statement and letter of intent that the partner is going to parent and will help with the adoption process.




Episode 021: Becoming A Mother at 45 with Becca Roberts


Episode 019: Multiple Rounds of IVF Brought Her Two Miracle Babies with McKensie Kanos