Episode 013: Building A Family Through Donor Eggs with Meaghan French

Meaghan joins us to share her very unique and complicated journey through infertility. Meaghan started down the typical route of trying for a year before seeking out additional treatment from her OBGYN. After several tests she was diagnosed with Adenomyois which her provider, at the time, noted it wouldn’t affect fertility. Shortly after that appointment, Meaghan and her husband experienced their first miscarriage. After her devastating loss, she decided to make an appointment with an REI. At this appointment, they were quick to push IVF. She speaks on the aftermath of that appointment and how the clinic made her feel like it was “her fault”. They immediately decided to seek out a second opinion.

At the second opinion appointment, they identified both of her tubes were blocked through a HSG and she technically had hydrosalpinx on both tubes. This led her to start her journey towards an endometriosis diagnosis. Meaghan decided to do a laparoscopic surgery which lasted over 5 hours. During the surgery they identified a fully frozen pelvic and stage 4 endometriosis. They had to remove both her tubes and appendix due to the severity of the endometriosis.

During her laparoscopic surgery, Meaghan shares the raw details of her intensely complex surgical complications that led her to eventually move forward with donor eggs. Meaghan speaks on her emotional struggles that comes along with donor tissue and the trauma that the complications of her endometriosis surgery still carriers.


Episode 014: Domestic Infant Adoption and Infertility with Sasha Robertson


Episode 012: Progyny Fertility and Family Planning Benefits with Amanda Lesesne